What version of Swype works on ICS?


Apr 9, 2012
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I have tried multiple versions and they all seem to have one of three bugs: 1. You lose your swype midway through a word and swype thinks you started a new word. 2. The size does not fit the screen, its either too small and only takes up 2/3 of the screen or it fills the screen properly but all the buttons are tiny. 3. Voice to text does not work. Does someone have a version of swype that has none of these bugs on ICS? Thanks.
I'm also running that version and I'm having the voice input problem. Are you running the OTA version of ICS or the .10 leak.?

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VooDooCC said:
I have, it's working well on ICS. Though the rest of my phone isn't.

I'm on and the ics .12 ruu. Voice to text doesn't work for me
I'll have to check the speech to text tomorrow. Trying to cycle the battery now, so phone is off for the next few hours while it charges.
I found an old apk that I had for FlexT9 version 1400 and it works perfect and bug free on the Rez, perfect size, swipes perfect, voice input works. Also it's white. I never liked the black theme on swype. I'll just stick with this old FlexT9.
I'm running .12 ruu & swype. I haven't noticed any issues with the keyboard fit and I'm pretty sure I've used the voice option and it worked. I don't have data at the moment so I will have to double check later. Speaking of Swype, I miss the look of FlexT9. I saved the apk for it when I found out that it was now Swype just in case, and whatever the two of them shared has made the Swype keyboard way better. Have any of you done a FR after the update? Doing the ruu and practically bricking my phone for not having the bootloader locked I was forced into a FR.
MJKneuro said:
I'm on and the ics .12 ruu. Voice to text doesn't work for me

Swype says they have fixed voice-to-text in the rezound in the next beta release, which should come out in September
Well I had a chance to try it and let's just say I hope MJK is right.