What was the ADVERTISED battery life for the Thunderbolt?


Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
First off, has Verizon stopped carrying this phone? I can't seem to find it on their website, even as a "Certified Pre-owned" model.

What I'm looking for is something from either HTC or Verizon regarding battery life; standby, talk time, whatever. A link to something "official" would be great. After purchasing a 1620mA Rezound battery, I'm still getting about 5 hours before I'm in the yellow, and that's with extremely light use. I have a feeling that this is somewhat less than what was advertised.
If u write them a well worded email they might give u a extended for free.. What r u gonna do if the talk time is higher anyway its a estimated time there nothing u can do.. I can pick up any phone the thunderbolt, Rezound, razr. GNex and from a full charge it will be dead in 4hour 30mins to 5 hour 30 min average. As long as ur screen brightness is Down and ur auto sync is off there not much u can do and changing phones won't do nothing Cuz there all about the same! My 2750 ext battery almost powers me through 8 hour 30mins lol and I borrowed my buddy's razr maxx and got through about a lil over 9 hours still charged for 30 min at work before I left work.. And i really like the feel of the ext battery in the tbolt as long as u don't wear tight pants should not be a problem the 200 more mha that the rezound is providing is not going to due much anyway

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never seen those specs posted .. i did a bit of Googleing no luck
Phonearena has it as 6hours 30mins that's all I can find

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that sounds awful. are these numbers screen time, standby or total?

Who u tlkn 2 lol if me the 6 hours was talk time here link http://www.phonearena.com/phones/HTC-ThunderBolt_id4985

If u talkin about my usage times for the phone i unplug at 2:50pm for work at 100% and my phone is dead around 10:40 pm and the maxx lasted till about 11:25 I think it was. cuz I was testing it out to see if it was alot better but I don't get off till 12 so i still had to charge before I left

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