I honestly didn't think about this until I installed switftkey keyboard and it reminded me that it could be logging whatever I type and sending it to someone. Unfortunately there isn't really a way to tell what apps are unsafe then... unless you stick to things that are made by major companies - even that might not be a fail proof system. I don't think it is as big of a problem as that article makes it out to be however I bet it happens.
About the only thing I won't do on my phone is log into bank accounts. I was tempted to use that mint.com thing... but I wasn't entirely sure how that worked and would rather not have my money stolen.
That brings up an interesting side question... apps could be stealing your date and sending it to someone sure. What about custom ROMs? When I told a friend I was was rooting my phone he advised being cautious about what I was installing because installing a different firmware could potentially open up holes in the device's security. I don't know enough about it to really make any sort of determination. Although, I imagine ROM developers and rooters are a much more closely knit community than app developers... so if something was to pop up someone would probably bring it up.
About the only thing I won't do on my phone is log into bank accounts. I was tempted to use that mint.com thing... but I wasn't entirely sure how that worked and would rather not have my money stolen.
That brings up an interesting side question... apps could be stealing your date and sending it to someone sure. What about custom ROMs? When I told a friend I was was rooting my phone he advised being cautious about what I was installing because installing a different firmware could potentially open up holes in the device's security. I don't know enough about it to really make any sort of determination. Although, I imagine ROM developers and rooters are a much more closely knit community than app developers... so if something was to pop up someone would probably bring it up.