Whats the difference between a blue 4G icon and a gray one?


Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
New York
Like the title says. I've noticed my 4g icon is gray now when once it was blue. The bars are still all gray. Does this mean its looming for a strong connection? How can I fix it?

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Im pretty sure it means phone is searching for signal or in the process of connecting. The same happens when on 3G or connecting to WiFi.
Do u think that that could be a reason for battery drain even with an extended battery? Should I just wait for the update or call verizon now and see what they can do?

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Blue bars mean you are connected to Google Servers. If the bars are gray, you have data, but can't use Google stuff. Try it. I think its more improved on ICS. However, when you get gray bars, try using Gmail.

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That's the thing. Gmail works fine and the bars are blue. Its just the actual 4g icon above the bars that's gray. I remember it being blue a dew days ago.

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maybe i'm not paying enough attention

last night i was sitting @ home on wifi and wifi was lit up blue, but so was 4g or 3g (can't recall which), so i turned off wifi with power widget. Then, my 4g/3g goes to gay and doesn't go blue?

i was just watching this, not really using the data, so i'm not sure it if meant i had no signal, or jus no google connection, but it seems odd that the data signal would need to change just because i turned off wifi.

does anyone else notice this? or am i crazy?
As far as I know the actual 4g and 3g icons do not ever turn blue in ICS. They always remain gray. The signal bars themselves, however, turn blue when you're connected to Google data services. The same thing happens on wifi; signal is gray when first turned on, then turns blue when connected. This is only for VZW CDMA versions; can't speak for overseas.
As far as I know the actual 4g and 3g icons do not ever turn blue in ICS. They always remain gray. The signal bars themselves, however, turn blue when you're connected to Google data services. The same thing happens on wifi; signal is gray when first turned on, then turns blue when connected. This is only for VZW CDMA versions; can't speak for overseas.

Yeah, they don't turn blue. They stay gray. Promise. :)

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Mine are blue right now. I am going to keep my eye on it. weird

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They're saying the 3G and 4G icon's are always grey, which they are. The only thing that changes from grey to blue are the signal bars themselves. As for what that means, I'm not sure.
surprised no one stated the obvious. the main difference is one is blue. and the other is grey. duh:happy3:
They're saying the 3G and 4G icon's are always grey, which they are. The only thing that changes from grey to blue are the signal bars themselves. As for what that means, I'm not sure.

Nope. The icons themselves also turn blue and gray and that's verified in systemui.apk. What it means I dunno
Blue images are named fully in the app. At least in gb it was...pretty sure it hasn't changed. Notice typically when u switch... its gray. It turns blue later I believe when its "fully" connected.

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Well here's a quick update. I called Verizon tech support yesterday to see if they can help me out. Spoke with 2 different techs b/c the first one honestly didn't know. She tried the best she could and was super nice and thought it was kinda cool that she didn't give me a BS answer and referred me to someone else who could probably help me better...the 2nd tech, well she told me the reason why the 4G icon was gray, was b/c i just don't have a strong 4G signal and that I must be at the outskirts of an area. I told her that wasn't true. I'm in NYC which has pretty decent 4G coverage. So she took that into account and basically said that maybe the signal isn't strong since the outage from the other day. I even asked her if b/c the signal is weak, would that mean my phone is constantly looking for a stronger signal, hence, an increase in battery drain. She said it's possible but couldn't confirm. At the end of all of this, like the first tech, she was super nice and tried her best but I really don't think she had an answer really.

Hope this helps.
I only see gray on the nexus.

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