I went from Nexus to a Razr. I'm not totally happy with the Razr but in my area it fits my needs better than the nexus. It just depends on what you use your phone for.
I think part of it is the nexus hype. I waited for a month or two for the nexus to come out with my barely functioning, beaten to hell droid. All the press was something like "omg this is amazing", only when I bought it I found a bunch of (to me) unbearable flaws.
I think where you live, and how much your personal usage matches a typical tech journalist = how good reviews and research can do. In the end, only owning a phone and using it for a while can tell you how it does for your needs. The Gnex had some really awesome stuff (ICS was very nice, and the phone was wicked fast) but also issues (call quality and signal). Depending on where you live and how you use your phone, these may be trivial issues (like for me and motoblur on my razr. annoying but not a big deal) or a huge problem.
I think forums are good for people to complain but not just about the features but how they use their phone and their priorities. This is more useful feedback than sterile tech reviews.
Ain't it time for you to hit the Razr threads?! I mean now that you have a Razr you can go to those threads and jump up and down about what you don't like about the Razr right?! Or is it you simply miss the Galaxy Nexus?!