I must be doing something right because I can consistently get about 30 hours out of my Droid. I do pretty much everything except maps on a pretty regular basis. As I work at a VZ store I have customers playing with my phone all day so it's not like I just talk and text. I can charge it overnight, take it off the charger around 9 AM then not have to charge it til 9 PM the next night. It's pretty nice, much better than my Storm 2 which I use a whole lot less.
Hi would you mind sharing some of your settings because i just got the device and honestly i charge it at night and in the next day at 3 the battery is at 15%. I use Fring and the webbrowser here and there and google voice for texting. I ll be starting a new job this june and I wont have access to recharge the phone in the middle of the day so I ll appreciate any suggestions o rmaybe moving to nexus one or another android device that gives better battery usage.
Thank You