Where has my ringtone and music gone from the play store ?


New Member
Jun 22, 2014
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Hi everyone don't know if this is in the right place to be posted this . I am having real trouble finding out where my song and ringtone has gone from the play store. I can't find them anywhere I've had a look for the ringtone and the music and it's not there I'll have a look in the folders can't find it but as there are so many different things on the S5 I just cannot find the ringtone anywhere or the album I've downloaded from the play store any help would be great many thanks.
Not sure either but a S5 owner should be by to help you..

Moved to S5 Forum
I'm sure someone will chime in ..in meantime if you downloaded music from play store look for the Google play music ..it should be in your app drawer or if not install it from market

M8 tap'd