Where in the phone is the OTA update.zip located/downloaded to?


Nov 27, 2009
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Where in system files or in the phone is the OTA update.zip downloaded to? I'd like to pull it from the phone for archiving as well as use it to do a fresh system restore.

I did the update this morning from 2.1 rooted, and the update went fine. With word of some people having problems after updating to the OTA from 2.1 rooted, I'm a bit nervous to do a factory restore.

If anyone knows where to look in the phone for the OTA 2.3.15 update.zip, please let me know, thanks.
It's in the Cache folder after downloading, but it's deleted after the update completes. You have to grab it after downloading but before updating.

Do you know if I can use the .604 update.zip to go back to 2.1 and then do the OTA update and grab it then?

Do you know if I can use the .604 update.zip to go back to 2.1 and then do the OTA update and grab it then?
I did it several times on the D1, so I'll imagine you can. Not confirmed on the DX, but my thinking is, when you SBF to 2.1 and then choose update, it'll see 2.1 and push 2.2... My best guess though!
I did it several times on the D1, so I'll imagine you can. Not confirmed on the DX, but my thinking is, when you SBF to 2.1 and then choose update, it'll see 2.1 and push 2.2... My best guess though!

Thanks for the quick reply.

According to a few threads in the forums, using the the SBF to 2.1, would cause the phone to be bricked, due to Moto changing keys or something?

I wasn't sure if applying the 604 update.zip would be the same as using SBF?