No... I jumped from dx2 to inc2 in replacement phones... And they don't necessarily match stats... Its a $$ figure thing.
Also I would find it hard to believe they would swap a 3g phone for 4g
Sent from my ADR6350 using Droid Forums
Not necessarily... See below.
Well, sorry that happened to you but at least I don't feel so alone. I wish you luck with getting a Rezound, I had no luck with that at all in 3-4 calls to VZW after I left the store, I was basically told "Take it or leave it"... although on another note, my co-worker went from a Inc2 that she loved to a Rezound by choice and hated the Rezound with a passion and returned it for a Razor Maxx which she likes a lot, so maybe the Rezound is not the best choice although she have just got a lemon.
Long story short, I got a Rezound. Warranty replacement.
I called Tech as I said and they said all they had was the stratosphere. I contacted the rep I usually deal with and asked what could be done. I calmly and politely explained my reasoning why teh Stratosphere was inferior ($$ match be darned) and why the Rezound was the choice I wanted and should get. The rep said to forward my request so it could go up the chain.
I listed several items why the Stratosphere was unacceptable, the main points being the less standard RAM, the lack of ICS, lack of global (which I've already taken my phone out of country), along with some others. I then pointed out why the Rezound was a match due to all the points I listed. I offered to extend my contract another 2 yrs if that is what it took. :icon_wink:
(hello unlimited, nice to have you around another few years.)
Got approved the next day and its being shipped to me. Already ordered the Seidio Active case in that lovely shade of red. Hopefully the phone will be here on Wednesday.
I weighed what I wanted and what I thought was reasonable. My top choice was the Maxx, but at that being at a higher price point, I didn't think it would realistically be an attainable option. I was tempted for the SGIII but who knows when that would be out and I'm sure that would get shot down. So then I thought about the Razr, the GN, and Rezound. A family member has the Razr and I don't quite like it in my hand, and the GN, I've not held, but thought it might be too unattainable, and I really did like Sense, so the Rezound jumped up to the top of my list. Looking spec wise, it is similar to the DInc2, so I focused on that.