I dont know if this is the right place to ask the following, but I have a couple questions comparing the Droid X and Droid Pro....
I had the BB Tour (loved it, just wanted to use my upgrade and get something newer), just purchased the Droid X last Sunday, but am returning it as I don't like it at all. i thought i could handle the touch screen but it's horrible. I spend more time fixing misspelled words and takes forever to type a message so i can type it correctly. It's driving me insane. I like the rest of the set up though, so I am considering the Droid Pro because of the keyboard (and a couple smaller issues on the DX). Couple of questions:
1. does anyone know if the droid pro and droid x the same as far as setup? Do they have the same amount of pages to use (3 windows on each side of the home window for widgets or whatever you'd like)
2. Is there any difference in apps that are available? Does the Droid Pro have the same number apps available to it as the Droid X?
3. Has anyone who has the Droid Pro, been able to sync Facebook to their phone calendar? I have been unable to get it so the Droid X automatically puts my face book friend's birthdays on my phone calendar. My BB did it automatically. It's a little feature I would hope the Droid Pro would do automatically.
4. Is there an LED notification light on the Droid Pro? That is another feature that I am in love with (thanks to the BB Tour). And if it does have the LED, can you manipulate the colors or decide which notifications get an LED light? (For example, I like my phone to blink for texts, missed calls, but I don't want it to blink for Facebook notifications or emails).
Any information is GREATLY appreciated as I am returning the Droid X this weekend and need to decide what I'm going to do next. Thanks!