Which browser is your preferred web browser?


Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
I've spent time using Stock, Dolphin, Opera, Skyfire, and Xscope. All of them have been my favorite at some point, except for Opera. I currently use Xscope as I believe it is by far the fastest at loading the web pages I visit. I've accepted it's lack of polish in menus and stuff as a small price to pay for performance. Skyfire's got some cool features but I found them annoying at times and the zoom is strange when first visited a website. Dolphin was great for a while but they kept changing their menu system to the point where it's bloated and ugly. Stock is okay, but I went away from it because it's sloooow compared to Xscope. Also, stock does something weird to text when you scroll. On any page, such as this one, look closely at the text. Now press your finger down as if you're about to start scrolling and watch how the text shifts pixels! WTF is that about! It looks strange and has always bothered me. It doesn't happen in other browsers as far as I know.

My vote: Xscope Litedancedroid
And I already realize someone will probably suggest a different one be added to the poll. I'm not sure how to edit a poll so if you want me to do that, please include a quick instruction on how to do it.
DHD for me too..
I see its between XS and Dolphin(HD).
and Stock...
1. DHD
2. Stock
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When I had my BB Storm, I loved Opera Mini, but it seems different on here

I checked out xScope and DolphinHD, xScope seems slow.

DolphinHD can lag a bit but overall it's the best browser I've found
I'm trying to favor Dolphin now, but I really like xScope.
Stock browser is winning? Wow. I didn't even try it out, I just assumed it was crap like the BB's stock browser
When i visit engadget.com with the stock browser (yes i know theres an app) if theres a video in the article i see nothing but white space, like flash on ipad. In xscope though, i can see the video and click on it to open in my youtube player.

That fact alone made me hesitant to rely on stock. Overall stock is great though and very polished. Has anyone esle spotted the text pixel shifting on it?
If the stock browser is much improved in 2.2 I'll switch back to it.
I love the speed of xscope, but I think the game breaker for me is scrolling with the volume keys. I just love that. Wish I could do it in a document.
Dolphin but I haven't upgraded to the version that removes Youtube downloads. I like the option of playing it in the Youtube widget or saving to the card to play later.

Why Dolphin? Lazyness. It had pinch-n-zoom first, it works, so I never bothered trying others for long enough to get to like them more than what already worked.