Doesn't LP eat battery? I've looked at GO Launcher but I'm hesitant. I used to have so many FCs with LP and such on my Eris. Do any of these launchers actually improve battery life or system performance? So far the only benefit I can see from using a different launcher is cosmetic.
Don't be hesitant with Go Launcher. Give it a try, because you can always uninstall it if you don't like it. I tried it out, after being a LONG time only Launcherpro fan. When Launcherpro started lagging, force closing, and giving me BAD screen redraw issues, I dropped it and haven't looked back to try it again since.
Now I'm not trying to sell you Go Launcher, but I am advising you to give it a try. I had the same problems you did, until I made a switch. And Go Launcher provides good battery life, performance, and cosmetics, all without the FCs and redraws that I used to have.