Ubuntu is for non-Linux users , for true hard core Fedora or openSUSE is preferred , after all the Father of Linux Linus Torvalds says he use Fedora or SuSE , so I go with the Master of the Linux Kernel and use one of those .
NOTE , after making the statement he only used Fedora (Red Hat) or SuSE , Linus was pushed and pestered by Ubuntu as to why he did not use it , he finally gave in and altered his statement , but originally he only stated Fedora , SuSE , seeing they were always a pure , advanced , and workable Linux . Originally Linus stated that Ubuntu was always in disarray , not good for a Linux Distro , and here is a thought , if Ubuntu is so easy and has so few problems , why is there a Forum filled with problems ? Ask yourself , just because a guy bought a ride into space , does that make him a Astronaut or just a Tourist with lots of money ?
Fedora or openSuse , for what it is worth , stay away from the U , teaches bad habits in Linux .
You're saying there are no Fedora or openSuse forums, where people have problems? Cuz...there are. Or are you saying that since it's so easy there shouldn't be problems ever? We both know that's just a ridiculous statement.
Ubuntu is fine and while it may be geared to beginners, I'm not sure what you mean by "teaches bad habits". Could you elaborate?