Man, are you serious? So all the touchscreen badboys next year are gonna be dual core?! Now if that is true maybe its a good thing big red decided to wait. I dont know anything about the tegra series chips other than being in MOTO's only, but if htc had the mecha with dual core that would be pimpin :rockon:
maybe we'll get lucky and something will drop before the end of the year.... although I highly doubt it.D2 Global (re-release of an already available device), Galaxy Tab (not a phone), Continuum (meh... if you wanna consider this a high end competitor go ahead... not for me) and Droid Pro (it's marketed in competition with BB devices... not in the same category as the all touch screen devices IMO)
so... as I stated... weak holiday line up from Verizon for those of us looking to upgrade.
it COULD have been much stronger if a certain phone(!) would have been up for pre-order today, but it got cancelled so who knows?? If i could just take a evo4G and replace the radios with a verizon compatible set i would be happy with that. Not asking too much since the evo has been out since march, but it looks like HTC is gonna be greedy with it lol:icon_evil:
at least they (vzw) made my decision for me, I'm holding out for a dual core device now!.... since I have no choice really! lol