As for calling the Droid a laggy piece of old news AND calling the Incredible names, that is all very childish. There will always be a better phone and a worse phone. Deal with it.
I hope the droid appears laggy compared to other phones. The more often this happens and the slower my phone seems to get in comparison the closer I'll be to replacement time in a year in a half. At the same time by having the entire Verizon Droid family here I'll know what is good and what isn't so good. Finally, I'll recognize the names of those making posts as they move from phone to phone and will have a better sense of trust than just a "bunch of fanboys" saying their phone is the greatest.
1 vote in favor of keeping the moto droid, milstone, eros, incredible, etc in one place.
start of wait for thread to re-open
Holy smokes.....I try and create a post and while my head is down a huge fight breaks out...mods scrambling all over the place, sirens whooping...breaking out the scrub brushes cleaning things up
end of wait for thread to re-open-------
Ding Ding...remember...fight nice