Why am I paying for visual voicemail service that takes 10 minutes to retrieve??


Jul 15, 2010
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So I receive a miss call from a friend and figured it wasnt that important since he didn't leave a message. 10 minutes later I get a voicemail and turns out he was needed directions to get back home. So what's the deal with visual voicemail? Atts voicemail is free and instantaneous. /end rant
Voicemail on VZW is free....and very quick..

Visual on the other hand as you know costs and is slow.....I quit using it and use Gvoice now.
i use youmail as well and its fast. I heard on here a while ago though that even though its not the vvm app from verizon that you still may be getting charged for it. can anyone clerify if this is true? i guess i could check my bill but.. meh not a huge deal. try Youmail or google voice
i use youmail as well and its fast. I heard on here a while ago though that even though its not the vvm app from verizon that you still may be getting charged for it. can anyone clerify if this is true? i guess i could check my bill but.. meh not a huge deal. try Youmail or google voice

If that was true there would be a 1000 threads on it here......
thanks, i signed up for googlevoice and checked out the guide on the knowyourcell site. However still confused as to how you check voicemails, does it sends a text to you? or do you have to check gmail.com in order to check your voicemails?
You set up a google voice account. Then you download the google voice app. Once you've set up the app and signed in whenever you get a voicemail it will instantly be pushed to your phone as well as transcribed so you can read it instead of listen to it. It is very very nice.

The only downside is you have to log in at the website to actually change your outgoing message. I believe you log in and when you go to record a new message it will actually ring your phone and you pick up and record the new message. Inconveinent but it's not like you change your message a ton right?
Download the google voice app from the market.

thanks, i signed up for googlevoice and checked out the guide on the knowyourcell site. However still confused as to how you check voicemails, does it sends a text to you? or do you have to check gmail.com in order to check your voicemails?
Why pay $3 a month for something google does for free and better.
Google voice is indeed great, im wondering why there isn't an icon i can place on the homescreen? I always have to open up marketplace to open up googlevoice.there's only an option for a widget which toggles international calls, and if you want to use your google number.
Just long press and drag the app icon from the drawer to your desktop. There is no actual widget for Google Voice (I personally see no need for one really).

Once you get the app set up and everything go to https://www.google.com/voice/ for other settings. I recorded a greeting for each of my contacts one day while bored. Google will call your phone and you record a greeting/listen/keep/re-record until it is right. It trips people out when they call and hear "Hello Chris, etc." in the message. Google Voice is amazing. The settings on the web site make it much more than it appears to be just using the app and leaving it alone.
Ok so i found out there is an icon and its called voice, i was searching for "google voice". Anyways im glad to get that out of the way, now my question is why is there an account balance, mine is showing. 10 cents. So is google voice not exactly free? Thanks in advance
also there is a widget for voice but and its a toggle