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why are droid apps so bad compared to iphone apps

I too am waiting for Facebook to be revamped. Syncing with contacts doesn't work out the best without some tweaking, and the Facebook widget is just not right. It never updates the currenct status. The good thing is that it is heading in the right direction. I am very eager to see what will happen within the next few month. I know developers are working hard on it too. There is much to look forward to becuase this phone is capable of doing so much.
I think it's great that developers are releasing updates rapidly. Now if only there was an automatic update app. to install them. I'd rather see a notification that says "6 applications were updated" followed by a list instead of having to manually install each one.
IMHO I think it's because the market if full of coders that don't know what they are doing.

Some major reasons:

1. Not everyone can afford a device, so they have to code to the emulator. This is fine, and how I started out, but you can't get a quality app without a real device to test on, just the way it is.

2. It seems like a lot of apps are created by novice programmers. Especially since java is so easy to learn, but if you dont have a lot of programming experience it will show.

3. Also, the android platform is sort of quirky a lot too, lots of little details that you may not notice right away until you get more experience writing apps on it. If you think "I know java, and android is in java, so I can code something up in 3 days flat!" , well, unless it's just a simple app, you are fooling yourself. It takes time to become properly familiar with application lifetimes, perference saving, permissions, etc. This is not just java, it's actually an O.S. like windows with it's own API and rules to follow, and it takes time to learn how to use them properly.

4. Lastly, crappy testing. Most coders want to write programs and release them. They don't have much experience in proper testing (or the patience)

That is why I think a lot of the apps suck. And also we don't yet have any real "money" in it yet, in that we get big companies who actually invest money into an app to make it great. It's probably mostly single developers or small teams that have more limited time and resources.

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what is the current # of android apps? is a running list kept anywhere? (android market site does not list this info). I just keep hearing that there are 10,000 apps, but that's all I know
I don't understand the Problem with Facebook..I just go there from the Browser..I think it looks just like it does on my laptop.. I know you have to zoom alot..but that is only a Problem when my fat fingers hit a hyperlink instead of the zoom button..
whats the website for android market?

It's market.android.com, BUT, you're going to see tops 4 pages of apps which is less than 1/10th of 1% of the total apps. There's a disclaimer on the market site that to view all the apps, you need an Android handset.

All the Droids in Verizon stores are fully functional and you can browse the market directly from them. I mention this because I see you're currently listed as using a BB.
whats the website for android market?

It's market.android.com, BUT, you're going to see tops 4 pages of apps which is less than 1/10th of 1% of the total apps. There's a disclaimer on the market site that to view all the apps, you need an Android handset.

There's also AndroLib, Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc..., but even that has problems as it lists Bonsai Blast which doesn't exist in the Market on the phone.
Personally, I think the market is moving at lightning speed.

New stuff every day!

I agree, but I am also hoping some are taking their time and developing the big apps that will take advantage of the high res and power of the Droid :icon_ banana:

It is funny how many people forget that the Iphone has been out for a few years.

And...I also check my updates and the "just in" section of the market when I wake up as well.
Another reason iPhone development > Android development is there's a single OS and hardware platform maintained by one developer. There's no Android 1.6 v 2.0 compatibility issues, among other things.

That's harder to compensate for.
i have an ipod touch and i'm about to get a droid. i've used the facebook app on both, and i cant figure something out. When the droid is supposed to rival the iphone, why is it's facebook app SSOOO much worse? why didnt facebook just make them the same pretty much? i'd be happy with the same layout?
i'm not asking how to get the full features (i dont want: "just use the mobile site")
i want to know what reason facebook (and other apps in general) are worse quality on the droid?
(i've been thinking and cant figure out why)

Sounds like your one of those iPhone people who are so stuck on the iPhone that no matter what comes out, its not going to be as good as the iPhone. The FB app is only one app. You cant judge all of the apps based on just one. Ive had the iPhone but Im open minded and if you compare the 2 side by side, the droid wins.
The only one I've noticed that isn't up to snuff is Skype, it's terrible that we have to use minutes on Wifi.

Another reason iPhone development > Android development is there's a single OS and hardware platform maintained by one developer. There's no Android 1.6 v 2.0 compatibility issues, among other things.

That's harder to compensate for.

Actually if you remember right when the new major firmware upgrades (and sometimes non-major) can throw off apps. When the 3GS a lot of apps needed updates to work with it too.

Of course Apple might release a new iPhone once a year and a couple of firmware upgrades compared to the dozens and dozens of Android devices.
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Keep posting these things. Android Developers come through these forums and get inspired!

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