I also love the comments about people with power doing something about the way they're charging these plans? We'll I'd like to not have to pay 100 for my cable every month because they charge rental fees on the boxes that I'm already paying for to use their service, but its a justifiable fee that they charge.
That's not the same at all. With a cable box you are paying for a service and renting the hardware required to do it. With the phone, you're paying for service just because your device has the capability, whether or not you want to use it, when it would work perfectly well without it. In other word, they are making it a required fee simply because they want to, not because of any real world requirements.
Funny, though, that you should point to an example in which
exactly what I said would happen with cell phones already is happening. Ready for a story?
Some representative decided it was ridiculous to have to rent a cable box. He goes searching for an alternative. Ever heard of cable card? We aren't using them yet, but it's in the works.
For the record, the data plan implementation happened as a result of too many customers having 'accidentally' used data on their phone and then complained to CC in order to get it taken off. For instance, there was a couple on a family share plan with their son as their third line. He used 16,000 worth of data (billed at 1.99 per mb) and DLd games on their MONTHLY billl... and Verizon in order to keep them as customers, gladly revoked those charges with a... 29.99 backdate unlimited data plan. Straight from the horses mouth (that being my account manager for my region from Verizon). They got tired of losing this revenu and thus, you all are now required to carry data! So when you oops, its covered. Duh.
You are unbelievably naive. Next you'll be telling us Windows Genuine Advantage is intended to protect users from piracy (as opposed to protecting Microsoft).
1) Verizon LOVES those charges. They give you practically nothing and make a ridiculous per-MB fee. They aren't going to give that up unless someone makes them. People did complain, but no one made them.
2) With these charges, they can advertise unlimited calling for $30 less a month to get people in the door and they still walk out paying almost exactly what they would have before. I've read 10 explanations of the new pricing, including real life examples, and in the end everyone's bill is virtually identical to before. Unless they were suckered in to buying more.