if you've only had the Droid 1 for 3 weeks, i would return it, regardless. you're still in your 30 day window. Droid 2 is coming out next month (DROID 2 Boy Genius Report ) it has a 1ghz processor, just like the X. and, they have revamped the pull out keyboard (if you have to have one) that looks so much better than the Droid 1. Droid 2 should come with Froyo preinstalled. also, rumors are that 3.0 is coming out beginning of the year. because they are phasing out Droid 1 (Motorola DROID, the End is Near - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog), my guess is that Droid 1 may not be compatible (or at least much less compatible than the newer versions).
with all the options available now (X, Incredible, Droid 2), plus the rumors of things to come, i would agree with the others that it doesn't make much sense to lock yourself into a Droid 1 for 1 or 2 years, especially when you have the ability to return it now with no repurcussions.
i have a Droid 1, and have had it for 7 months. don't get me wrong, i love it. i just got my spouse the Incredible a couple months ago, and it's great, too. but, if i had the ability to do so, i would get the X in a heartbeat!!
Thanks so much for all of the advice. I think you are correct. dancedroid