Didn't see anything about it, so have you tried calibrating the battery? Full charge, then running it down to completely dead, and then charging it all the way back up before powering the phone on?
My battery is usually mostly dead before charging, between 5-30%. Theres been a handful of times where the phone died and I recharged, but most of the time I have the phone on to charge. I will have to try cycling the batteries (full charge to completely dead and then full recharge) and see how that works.
Your issue seems to be an battery problem, but why are you using 3 batteries? for that, get an good battery for your phone, does your phone loose battery power soon?
It could be a battery issue, although my batteries list as good health. But of course, even though the battery is healthy, it could still be a crap battery.
Im very much considering the big extended battery. At my rate, that battery should last most of the day. As it is now, from the time I unplug from a full charge I get about 3-3.5 hours before my phone is yelling at me to charge it.
I am going to root my phone and probably try a custom rom. Any rom/app suggestions for good battery life? :happy: