umm..there's like 2 guys in this thread that clearly state there is zero lag...not sure what you're talking about, they are correct...
lol...there's many reasons for android lag, and its not a dealbreaker, the phones offer so much more that the minimal lag is easily ignorable. there's only one reason to be in denial about it though...
What would that be? I love Apple products so it's not because I'm an Android Fan Boy. I don't see what I consider to be a lag on my stock D2. I'm not in denial of anything.
as mentioned earlier its not some lag that makes the phones unusable and you want to throw against a wall. but how exactly do you propose that software that is not optimized for the hardware, and is available on tons of different hardware
wouldn't cause lag?
It's not like I used a thunderbolt and couldn't do anything with it because of the immense lag, but there is lag especially if you compare it to the iphone. devs themselves will tell you this (just like devs will tell you fragmentation exists). the people denying for the most part are the ones who for some reason dont want to admit it.
i dont know why people who want to defend android at all costs (not talking about you hook), think that software thats not optimized for the hardware it runs on is not going to lag. it has nothing to do with being a fanboy or not being a fanboy, it has to do with how hardware/software interact. software engineering 101. there is going to be lag on android phones simply because of how android is built and how its distributed. that doesnt make android's just how electronics and software work.
also, i never implied that the lag is so bad that android is a crap OS. It's far from it. The fanboys get offended when anyone speaks against android though, and that's just bizarre.
the lag is slight, and maybe that's why you don't notice it hook, but compared to the iphone it is absolutely there and that's how it is for every android device i've played around with.
and like i said, i find it hard to believe that i'm the only one on the planet who has the bad luck of touching android devices that are lemons, while everyone else is out there getting these super fluid responsive devices that defy all engineering logic.