Silver Member
ha ha, well i wish that were the case. i saw online that verizon offers a deal on accessories. its like $40 off when you buy the media dock, GPS car mount, and car charger...which oddly are the exact accessories i wanted lol. however, i dont know if this deal holds true in stores.I tell you - your signature alone commands enough attention that they will at the least listen to you!the nearest costco is 80 miles away in north carolina, so screw that lol. there def is a sams club in roanoke, but their online price is $180, so its not worth it anyway. any other ideas? and do you think if i went to verizon corporate they could hook me up with a deal on some accessories at least? i know at&t corporate will do that.What have you got to lose? Good luck!
oh yeah, one more question. do any of you use screen protectors on your droids? does it affect the touch screen response?
I guess it really just depends on what brand screen protector you buy really....I had a $7.99 one and ended up removing it because I found myself having to REALLY tap the screen way to hard than I should and it got so annoying!!