Has moto ever warned us about a bogus OTA that may be floating around? You'd think they would in the very least for damage control so people won't hold moto accountable for attacks from these hackers
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The OP claims the OTA update isn't real because it hasn't been announced. Well, if Motorola's virtually unbreakable bootloader encryption has been broken, and if their servers have been hacked to allow this "bogus" update to be sent to users, there would be a warning or announcement. Additionally, they wouldn't allow the system to keep sending out this "bogus" update several days later.
And they certainly wouldn't only tell one individual user about it and no one else.
Ok you caught me. Im lying and have made all of this up. Why don't u take 30 mins out of your blogging time and call and find out. Tell them you've received an ota for the gingerbread ud on your DROID pro. They will explain everything to you in small words with a heavy accent.
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