He sounds as sure as a weatherman.by Steve Cheney on Aug 8, 2010
We’ve been hearing Verizon iPhone rumors for years now.
... and I am going to go on record to say Verizon will be selling an iPhone this coming January.
... I can’t say with 100% accuracy that an iPhone will hit Verizon store shelves in January...

I thought about the iPhone when it comes out. Not for myself but my buddy hates AT&T and doesn't want to switch phones when his contract is up. He's not real computer literate so honestly it would be most beneficial for him not to switch phones. He was looking forward to tethering as he has no internet at his home, but I told him that just because it's Verizon, doesn't mean the phone will be "open source" or that you'll get the same apps as Android phones (I.E. pdaNET).
I think if it goes to Sprint instead, users will jump on the jailbreak option (or unlock them) and use them with Verizon which I believe has better coverage.
I know that when our contract was coming up, I really wanted an iPhone as I already loved my iTouch but didn't want AT&T. After sitting down for 5 hours and researching my options, I went down and got my Droid with no regrets and would not switch.