I hope you're right. The $200 price-point would definitely make a pretty big dent -- basically the same pricing strategy as the initial Kindle Fire release, and we all know how that went. Question: how do you think it will go with Verizon? Given that the Nexus 4 never made it to VZW -- and the agonizing pace of getting a Verizon HTC One -- I have an uncomfortable suspicion that Verizon would not be so happy with a Motorola phone that (a) works on their network and (b) they don't completely control. I guess once we have the CDMA version of the X in hand, we'll know.
It's been confirmed on all 4 carriers at launch, but there's always the possibility that this will be sold, unlocked, on the Play Store directly through Google. And that is precisely why I think this device will be one for the ages. If this is their strategy, it literally is genius because the masses have for the most part written Moto out even with a great flagship...this units popularity will erase all of the damage done IMO.