First of all, let me say this is the most unique and the BEST rom I have ran on my Droid to date. Are there little glitches/quirks in the different releases? YES! Is it to be expected at this point? YES! Do we need to argue back and forth over whether something is fact or opinion, piss the devs off, close the thread down, in turn ending all support for this project? NOOO!!! There's a place for fighting like little school girls, it's called AndroidForums. This is Droid Forums, a place where the grown folk play. Let's keep this thread on point, discuss any issues we're having like adults and support the devs any way we can.
Jamezelle and metiCkOne, keep up the good work!
As for the rest of us, If you don't have anything constructive to say, then don't say anything at all.
That's MY "opinion" anyway!