This may be related to the post -if not apologies.
Every time I load a rom, I have to install and run DX bootstrap, otherwise, even with clockwork recovery in the phone, I could not get to reboot in recovery mode.
Is that normal behavior?
Yes this is normal. You need to install Bootstrap and then Install Rom Manager. And before you mess with Rom manager open Bootstrap and install it.
^^^ agree.
Clockwork recovery (the actual app) is not required on a DroidX at all. Clockwork recovery is installed by the Droid X Bootstrapper application. To enable/reset it, open DroidXBootstrapper application, and hit the "Bootstrap Recovery" option.
And (obviously) to reboot into recovery, hit reboot recovery.
ROM Manager completely depends on that application being there and functioning properly, as ROM Manager reboots into recovery to do all of it's (backup/restore/ROM/patch/etc.) work... it's essentially a GUI front end to make accomplishing some tasks prettier... if that make sense.