Due to the overwhelming amount of entries in our Seidio Active Case Giveaway, we had to call upon our little Android buddies to help us out. We first want to acknowledge our Admin Wicked for letting us adopt his little Android friends. They were starting to get out of control, so he had to give them up. Putting them to work has settled them down some, so we will be finding some full time work for them around the office.
The winners of the Seidio Active Case for the HTC Rezound are:
The winners of the Seidio Active Case for the Motorola Droid are:
A big congratulations to our winners!! This case is a personal favorite of ours so we hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Thank you to everyone who entered, and thank you for being the best part of Droidforums.net!!!
I still have not figured out how to Claim this.. I was in the hospital for a week in march.. and missed this.