wireless upload and download speed related to Mbps


Jul 27, 2011
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Hey Guys,
I have something i was curious on as the way i thought this might work doesnt seem to be. My home computer is wireless (Belkin Wireless G). I had downloaded to my droid x a few dayts ago Green power saver and it save my battery much better than "JuiceDefender. I had always used the internet and other things such as weather and Market place with the 3G signal. Now since i have been using the wireless it has loaded stuff much quicker... so i downloaded speedtester.net app to see what my mobile dwnld and upld rate was. It states i am at 2.7 dwnld and .7-.8 upload. So this got me thinking, what is the rate i am getting on my home pc and thru the speedtester site it is pretty spot on with the mobile. Then i noticed i was only getting 18-24Mbps thru my wireless router connection speed. It was sitting on the floor. So i moved it about six feet higher and i get a constant 54Mbps now with faster PC internet connection and my mobile is getting 54Mbps as an app i downloaded states.

My question after killing you with this email is, Since i have now increased speed from 24Mbps to 54 thru my router, i am still getting the same dwnld and upld rates on my cell and PC. Shouldnt it increase since they are getting a faster wireless speed or am i thinking of this in the wrong way? I would think the dwnld and upld Mbps would increase if not double since i doubled the wireless Mbps speed?
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What you're getting confused is linkspeed versus internet speed.

  • Linkspeed- The speed in which your computer is connected to your ROUTER. This is the speed your computer says you're connected at when you connect to your router. This does not mean you are downloading or uploading at that speed. It means that is the maximum that your current quality of connection can handle if you WAS to have a connection that was this fast (such as computer to computer in your network).
  • Internet speed- The speed in which your ROUTER is connected to the Internet. This is actually what the speed is between your router and the world wide web. This can only be measured accurately with speed test.
The fact that you moved your router higher up is a good thing, don't let me down your idea. However in relation to your internet speed, its not going to make it "faster" per say. It just means you made the connection to your router "better" in which if you had a poor quality connection, it would seem faster.
The link speed as noted above is only going to deal with internal traffic on your network, not web browsing. So if you are moving files between your phone and pc the 54mbs is much better for you.

Moving the router higher should help increase your signal range inside your house.