About 6 years ago, I had VZW. Had a nice phone and good service but it was time for an upgrade. Unfortunately VZW had terrible phones compared to the competition and I really wanted a good phone. So I switched to Cingular (AT&T) and got a really cool phone. I think it had Snake on it.
Then found out that I didn't get any coverage inside my grocery store. It also didn't get any coverage on the turnpike or in most rural towns I had to travel to for work. And every time I got a call, any TV or stereo within 10 feet of my phone would make annoying noises and get huge interference. And for some reason about 70% of the time (no exaggeration) I would get an 'all circuits busy' message when trying to call anyone else who used Cingular even if I had a great signal. I moved back to VZW as soon as I could get out of the contract.
Keep in mind that I left VZW because I got a MUCH BETTER PHONE. The N1 is a slightly faster Droid made out of plastic and without the keyboard. Would I leave VZW to get a phone that is 3 months newer and deal with AT&T again? Never. I wouldn't do it even if I could get a phone from 2011.

Keep in mind that I left VZW because I got a MUCH BETTER PHONE. The N1 is a slightly faster Droid made out of plastic and without the keyboard. Would I leave VZW to get a phone that is 3 months newer and deal with AT&T again? Never. I wouldn't do it even if I could get a phone from 2011.