The only difference that REALLY matters, IMO, is the fact that the Droid works nearly EVERYWHERE, and the iPhone works nearly nowhere outside of urban areas. If the phone won't work where you live/work, it doesn't matter how great the features and performance, it is basically worthless!
I wouldn't go as far as saying that. I had the iPhone until earlier this week, when I gave it up for the Droid. I'm a pilot, and fly in to some pretty obscure places all over the US, and I have never been unable to use the iPhone, nor the data connection. Sure there are places where the iPhone has to resort to EDGE to connect, but I've yet to find a place where it doesn't work.
People are always surprised when I explain that I didn't leave the iPhone because of the network; Sure AT&T had their problems, but on the whole I was actually pretty satisfied as their customer. It is Apple's Stalinistic 'We know how you want to use your phone better than you do' approach that caused me to jump ship.

I just feel that in a thread where we put down an article for being biased we should be careful not to step in the same trap ourselves.
