i see it this way......if you want GB then port it! these dev's do have a life outside of the android world.
this being the reason i never released my themes or my roms. as i read these posts....when, where, why, how come, please, why not....blah blah & blah. and the biggest thing is this. these devs do this stuff for free, yes i know they get "some" donations but its not like they make a ton to quit their jobs and focus on android. making a rom is tedious work.
then when you do release a rom or theme people are grateful and want to become your best friend....then after some issues some small, some big, but usually just a user issue....then get pissed and upset because a certain feature is not included or does not get fixed with the next update....
think i am wrong? look how many devs were releaseing roms 6mo-1yr ago? look how many now? they lost interest not because they did not like what they were doing.....they stopped because of too many ungrateful users b****ing and complaining about EVERYTHING.
now i am not pointing fingers at anyone. this is just fact. let these devs have a life.
if you want to continue their work.....then learn how to use the search feature on google and take time to learn how. then after weeks, months....maybe you'd see why this dev's get burned out and need to focus on their lives.
but then if and when you do succeed in porting or even dev'n your on rom let all of us know.....but you better be ready for some haters and ungratfeful folks. but it would be a learning experience.
i have donated $$ to every dev that i have used a rom & app from.
....not trying to flame or point fingers as stated but.....to each their own and i m sure someone will make a pissy remark about this.....oh well, does not change the fact.
have a great week.