I do have the navigation dock and the car charger for it. I went to vzw yesterday with my mom (for a phone for her) and figured I would ask about gps on DX. He told me (after a search of thier computer system) there are no problems with gps on the DX reported. I told him as many people that are having problems on here, I find that hard to believe. He them proceeded to tell me "Oh, you know how the forums are...one person has a problem then suddenly every little thing that happens to everyone else's phone is suddenly because of the same problem, even though it's not and they have nothing to do with each other. It's like that game gossip". I told him I didn't care what he had to say and I do believe what I've read other people saying on here with the gps problems because they are just like mine and they posted them first. When you're using gps and then it just says gps signal lost for no reason and you have to get out of it and go back in it for it to work about another minute before it does it again THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! And by the way he didn't report my gps problem. He told me it was an app on my phone that was most likely causing the problem and I needed to do a factory reset. I told him I never had a problem with my D1 navigation and I have all the same apps as on that phone. He then told me that was the problem, those apps were designed to work with the D1 and they were designed before the DX so they work differently with the DX and that's the problem. So according to him I'm guessing I should do a factory reset, wipe my phone clean and then my gps will work. I guess I'll just have to install apps that say they were specifically designed for the DX....oh wait THERE'S NOTHING THAT SAYS THAT!!!!! I do read comments before I install apps, to see if it's worth installing and to see if others that have the same phone as I do have had problems with it, if they do I don't install it! I'm sorry for going on a rant but I thought everyone should know about this since soooo many people are having problems with thier gps.