Xoom vs Ipad 2 (video)


Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Made a video comparing the hardware of the Ipad 2 and the xoom.

operating system comparison

Great video review...Thank you. I can't seem to find your second video comparing the two software systems. Is it posted yet?
I keep going back and forth between the Xoom and the Ipad2 (have changed by mind at least 6 times). I'm a huge fan of android and really want to go with the Xoom. However, I'm wondering if I should wait for the next generation in android tablets. I know the minor issues with the Xoom (i.e. lack of honeycomb apps, software bugs) will be resolved in the coming months. Right now, I'm less worried about the issues with the Ipad 2 (crappy camera, SD/HDMI adapter).
I might just get the Ipad2 now, give it to my wife next year, and get the second generation android tablet.
Thanks...I hate to say this, but I think I'm going with the ipad 2 until future android tablets become more refined. If dropping money on it now, I want to fully enjoy it now. I'm not liking the idea of waiting for tablet-optimized apps.

That being said, I plan on sticking with my android phone (incredible) because it's way better than my old dancedroidiphone.
Thanks...I hate to say this, but I think I'm going with the ipad 2 until future android tablets become more refined. If dropping money on it now, I want to fully enjoy it now. I'm not liking the idea of waiting for tablet-optimized apps.

That being said, I plan on sticking with my android phone (incredible) because it's way better than my old dancedroidiphone.

I think you're probably better waiting a few months and see where the Xoom and other tablets will be. Apps will come, just like they did for Android phones. The iPad isn't going anywhere and isn't gonna come with the same hardware that the Xoom has. You'll never get the same functionality with an iPad that you can with a Xoom.
Great video review...Thank you. I can't seem to find your second video comparing the two software systems. Is it posted yet? now, give it to my wife next year, and get the second generation android tablet.

Since this is my first apple product I want to give it some more time before comparing it with Android OS

I would hold for the second generation of Android tablets. I suspect they will be much better, if not cheaper.

Yeah I'm very excited to see how this year will turn out for Android. I feel that year 2012 we will be VERY happy and overwhelmed by all options we will have for an android tablets.
Great video review...Thank you. I can't seem to find your second video comparing the two software systems. Is it posted yet? now, give it to my wife next year, and get the second generation android tablet.

Since this is my first apple product I want to give it some more time before comparing it with Android OS

I would hold for the second generation of Android tablets. I suspect they will be much better, if not cheaper.

Yeah I'm very excited to see how this year will turn out for Android. I feel that year 2012 we will be VERY happy and overwhelmed by all options we will have for an android tablets.

I think you're right. I don't think tablets will be going away soon. In fact, I think they are going to proliferate. They are going to set new boundaries on portable computing.

I may be wrong, but I don't think so.
great review, but i never forget the fact that Apple had the first jump on the tablets plus their iOS platform doesn't differ very much between versions therefore it's more refined. I'm not an apple fan at all, but I can see why people love the OS, it's "dummy proof".

Android is making great strides with 3.0 and hopefully will make the xoom better via updates. seems the camera is a huge advantage for the ipad, but that's not a big deal to me at least.