Well, you know that night you were all warm and happy and figured you'd try it "just to see how it feels"? Well, now everyone at VZW is going to be laughing at seeing those hairy clompers crammed into a size 9 Prada stiletto!
Oh, wait, you meant the SBF? Oh, that's easy.
Unless you're dealing with a custom-built SBF (extremely rare for the D1 -- I only know of two), the most expedient way to reset phone and remove all traces of user data is to flash a file known as an SBF onto the phone using a program called RSD Lite or SBF_Flash if you're using Linux. It totally overwrites all the data on the phone and takes it back to stock -- fresh, out-of-the-box-stock. Everything that's on the phone (not the SD card) is erased. The only thing anyone looking at the phone can see is the stock software. Totally virgin. Your contacts, texts, apps, settings, wallpaper, etc. are all wiped out.