I'm posting this to assist with anyone else trying to decide what to do. I've read quite a bit on both Zagg and Ghost Armor before taking the plunge. I decided to go with Ghost Armor, though I believe that both are probably equally as good and rely very much on the same type of material.
I bought the GA full body from the GA website. Very easy purchase quick ship, and you can still use the discount code that's floating in one of these forum topics for an extra dollar or so off. It was cheaper to get the GA rather than Zagg, and that was one factor.
Installation was straight forward. On the larger pieces the instructions recommended using the solution (which I think is nothing more than soap water). The solution helps with positioning the larger pieces and with squeegeeing out any air bubbles, and lubricating the squeegee itself to prevent burn marks. They recommend not using solution on the smaller body strips and just applying directly to the Droid. I did both. I only installed the large strips using the solution. I did some smaller/thinner strips with and without. It was much easier to install the small strips without using solution. With those pieces it was much easier for them to slide around while pressing out any bubbles when sprayed with solution. I would recommend having some tweezers or precision screwdriver handy to help lift/position the smaller pieces and avoiding excessive finger contact with the adhesive.
Overall, there is just a very slight orange peel effect with the larger pieces. It is only really noticeable when you look for it, and the degree will vary depending on how well you apply solution and pieces. The first piece I did was the battery cover. I sprayed the solution on both sides of the protector and tried to carefully apply it to the cover. I wasn't able to get it positioned correctly the first time (I'm a perfectionist), so I had to reposition it. This piece has the most pronounced orange peel effect and I think it's because of the lifting and repositioning I had to do with it. The next piece I did was the section near the lens and flash. This one was applied correctly the first time, with very little repositioning (just a little bit of sliding). It has the best appearance of any piece I applied. Near zero peel effect, very high gloss; it almost looks like a factory finish. So, be careful in applying, it will make all the difference.
The most tricky piece of GA to apply was a single piece that wrapped the bottom backside edges of the phone. Because it wraps around both the corners and the bottom edge, it makes it particularly tricky. I used solution on this piece, but probably would have been better not to. Because of the solution it slipped around more while trying to press out bubbles, and the stresses of wrapping around mutiple corners and edges allowed the protector to raise slightly. This is probably the most difficult piece to get right. Take your time with it.
All the other pieces were a breeze, and it doesn't really mater if you use solution or not. I found it easier to not use the solution on the smaller pieces, though it helps to have some sort of fine pointed tool to help hold and position the piece while pressing it down. With solution they do slide a bit more, and I found that some of the edges raised slightly, especially on the long slightly curved panels on the top and sides of the Droid. Patience and pressure will eventually get these to stick down to the body. Without solution these just stick with no problems.
The screen cover went on pretty well for me. Spray with solution, and watch your handling of the protector. I managed to get some fluff under one corner that I had to peel back and remove, but I sprayed a little more solution under it and squeegeed it down just fine. I still have one flaw that appears to be in the protector in the corner. It's right near the black border on the screen so it's not really noticeable. A warning: I have another flaw that I think was probably due to a little mishandling. In prepping the cover, I think I might have touched the adhesive in one spot and might not have had enough (or too much?) solution sprayed in that area later on. I ended up with a small spot that distorts the pixels on the display. It's that effect you get when you put a water drop on your TV screen and it kind of magnifies the pixels. It's hard to describe, but it is noticeable and distracting. Not sure exactly what caused this but it was about the size of a finger print. Over the last 12 hours it's gotten noticeably smaller (now about the size of a pencil eraser). So hopefully when things are fully cured it will disappear completely. But over all, I think the screen was the easiest piece to actually apply.
There is no noticeable effect on screen sensitivity at all with the cover applied. I do notice that it shows smudges more than my cheepo protector did, but a little buffing gets rid of those. After applying the GA protector, your Droid will have a very high gloss finish, rather than your matte factory finish. If you like the matte finish, then don't apply the full body pieces. The GA is not tacky, it is very slick. I think it actually makes the Droid more slippery than it was to begin with, so be careful out there. And one last thing, even though the protectors are very thin, after applying you can definitely feel the edges of them as you handle the Droid. I'll get used to it, because I'd rather have nic and scuff protection than not. But you will notice it when handling the Droid.
Hope this helps someone.