[ROM] A Clean Rom for DNA

Just an update. I still can't get it to boot initially. I tried the unsecured kernel, no luck...
I wish I could help you, you are doing everything correctly so I can't figure out where you're going wrong. I've flashed this Rom multiple times without a hiccup. Recovery, wipe cache and dalvik, install, reboot. Why don't you try installing it and then install again then reboot, maybe something isn't flashing correctly and doing it twice or more in a row will work.
can i use speedscript into my rom? ill give you full credit for it.

Also can i put into the rom so you don't have to flash after the rom? or does it not work like that.
dont mind what it says. that is part of your build.prop and i could enter kernel version=hotdog and you'd see hotdog there. just look into setcpu and check you oc values if it goes up past 1.5 ghz you know if you got cubed running. i recommend running it around min 300 1.7 max for stability.... also get the latest version 2.3.3 it is much more refined.
can i use speedscript into my rom? ill give you full credit for it.

Also can i put into the rom so you don't have to flash after the rom? or does it not work like that.
yeah sure thing
it can work like that. just append my install script (or needed bits parts like permissions and install stuff) to yours and place the files in the right place location if you already have int.d running on your rom just pull the script out and stick it in your int.d folder of your rom
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yeah sure thing
it can work like that. just append my install script (or needed bits parts like permissions and install stuff) to yours and place the files in the right place location if you already have int.d running on your rom just pull the script out and stick it in your int.d folder of your rom

also can i use the files for some of your mods. like the battery bar mode? Ill give you credit again
also is that your personal boot.animation? cuz i love it lol. Can i use that too?

Thanks :)