Bluetooth / gps / tablet question :)


New Member
Nov 6, 2013
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I was wondering if it's possible to connect to two devices with the Bluetooth setting in my Droid 4. I have a JVC cd player in my car ( JVC kda-95bt, if looking it up) I was wondering if it's possible to use the gps on my phone, or video, or whatever (mirrorlink?) it for the video on the tablet, and play the audio thru my cd player. The cd player can connect 2 devices, and has 2 usb inputs, but 1 has the Bluetooth dongle in it. I'm good at car audio, but trying to figure out computers and such, makes my want to crawl under the table, into the fetal position...
Any suggestions would be awesome!!
Thanks in Advance!!
I've read you question 3 times and I am not sure what you are asking. All of my android phones have done GPS and music, phone calls, BT, etc at the same time
What I'm trying to do. I want to fiberglass a tablet into a center console in my car. Then use the tablet for gps or Netflix, or whatever. (I have the unlimited data plan, btw) So, without needing to have a tablet, with a data plan, use my phone to show the video on the tablet, and the audio thru my cd player, since they all are Bluetooth ready. I can possibly use a monitor, and splice a micro usb output cable to find the video cable, but wireless would keep a much cleaner look, and be faster ( and less work). I don't want to buy a GPS, or have my phone stuck to my windshield because it's kind of a smaller screen, but since I'm paying for the full use of it, I thought I would try to get as much out of it as possible.
Sorry if I rambled earlier..