Citrus Root & tether?


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
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I just read the post about rooting the Citrus, once its rooted can you wireless-ly tether or even usb tether?

I mostly got it because it was time for my upgrade and Im hurting for $ right now, deciding wether to sell the droid or sell the citrus, i really like my droid but i dont know which has the better resale value and if i will beable to tether the citrus...
i hear crickets chirping and its 10 degrees out....
I just rooted my wifes citrus. Went easier once i figured out the workaround. Im sure there is a way to load a ROM.
Only run what's made for your phone. Even D2 ROMs won't work for a D2G.

DroidForums Junkie!!
I just rooted my wifes citrus. Went easier once i figured out the workaround. Im sure there is a way to load a ROM.

hey can u post how you rooted your wifes citrus? what tool did u use? does the phone run any faster once you removed some of those garbage moto apps?
I rooted my friends Citrus using z4root.1.3.0

Very easy, install and root.
I did it using z4root, I used the 'temporary root' option cuz I was a little scared to try the permanant. It seemed to work & after about 5 mins it said I had root. But at that point the whole phone got suuuuuper slow I mean like completely unusable. I tried to kill off some tasks but it didn't help. I rebooted and things are back to normal but I guess the root is gone. I heard some ppl used the permanent root on the citrus and it worked. so maybe i'll give it a shot.

also, what app (or what method) should I use to delete or disable some of the garbage that comes with this phone? i want to free up space for apps that I will actually use.

I need to delete the following junk:
"My Verizon"
"Backup Assistant"
City ID
"File Manager"
Bing Maps
Skype mobile
VCAST videos
VZ Navigator
Do NOT delete the bloatware! Either rename it with Root Explorer or freeze it with Titanium Backup Pro, trust me!
Temporary Root is supposed to remove root after a reboot...that's what's "temporary" about it. Permanent root can still be unrooted but su will remain until you do so.

I did it using z4root, I used the 'temporary root' option cuz I was a little scared to try the permanant. It seemed to work & after about 5 mins it said I had root. But at that point the whole phone got suuuuuper slow I mean like completely unusable. I tried to kill off some tasks but it didn't help. I rebooted and things are back to normal but I guess the root is gone. I heard some ppl used the permanent root on the citrus and it worked. so maybe i'll give it a shot.

also, what app (or what method) should I use to delete or disable some of the garbage that comes with this phone? i want to free up space for apps that I will actually use.

I need to delete the following junk:
"My Verizon"
"Backup Assistant"
City ID
"File Manager"
Bing Maps
Skype mobile
VCAST videos
VZ Navigator

DroidForums Junkie!!
cool so everybody seems in love with Titanium Backup PRO... so I guess I need to buy that eh?? or can i get by with the free version?
The free version can be used to make backups but, the full version is required to freeze apps.

cool so everybody seems in love with Titanium Backup PRO... so I guess I need to buy that eh?? or can i get by with the free version?

DroidForums Junkie!!
ok cool I just bought the pro version. I froze a bunch of apps but they still show up on my app drawer?? do I have to reboot to see those changes? should I be using a different launcher?