Do I just have bad luck, or are all Droids crap?

The home screen lag is caused by FroYo killing the launcher. There's a very easy fix for non-rooted users. Install ADW from the market and make it the default launcher. In the ADWLaucher settings you can make it system persistent. It may not solve your problems 100% but it will cut them down amazingly.

Are you running any widgets? If so, what?

I will try adw. I havent got any widgets running on this phone. After the last factory reset I left the phone completely stock and only used it for light internet, texting and phone. Issue continued.

shouldnt you complain against motorola and not verizon? verizon didnt make the droid, they just sell them

Common misconception. In the United States, with a few exceptions (iphone for instance), you are buying the phone from the carrier not the manufacturer. Motorola's customer is Verizon, Verizon's customer is the end-user. For instance, Samsung publicly said they were against Bing on their Galaxy S phones, but they still did the Bing search on the Fascinate because Verizon, their customer, told them to.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I understand we get the phone from verizon. What I was getting at is if you are filing a complaint about a faulty product you should complain against the manufacturer not someone selling the product. Should verizon get motorola to fix this problem? yea prolly but is the faulty design/product verizons fault? No

I've never experienced a loose headphone jack.....

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

It is caused by carrying the droid in your pocket while listening to music. If you do this, it WILL develop the loose headphone jack eventually.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I never have headphones plugged in while phone is in my pocket. I only use the headphone jack while in the car and the phone is in a verizon car mount

my issues are Random restarts, loose headphone jack causing music pausing, EXTREME home screen lag(sometimes it takes up to a minute for my apps to pop up) and a 5 hour battery life while phone is idle or very minimal use. I cannot get through a day at work without having to throw the phone on the charger on lunch break. I work at a place that is very strict on cell use during our shifts so the use is very minimal. Ive done multiple battery pulls as well as factory resets. The last 3 phones have not been rooted. I also let the phones sit for an hour after the resets and let them sync. Also have not reinstalled any apps after resets and problems persist. I got offered a credit towards a new phone if I want to upgrade early but do not have money at the moment and also would like to wait for the "T2" phone I keep hearing about. Ive got another refurb on the way so I guess we will see what happens with this one.

Loose headphone jack is a well known (and well documented) issue both on the VZW and Moto forums. Nothing you can do with that, though it should take come time to develop (it has to do with the way the jack is 'connected' to the board (it's not actually soldered to the board, as it should be). As for the random restarts that is a bit odd for a non-rooted (read non-OC'd) stock Droid, now if it was one of the 3 that was rooted than that's a kernel issue and NOT a 'device' issue. As for the battery drain you have something installed or some setting (perhaps wi-fi) that is draining the battery while in standby. Again not really a 'hardware' issue but something on the user-end. My phone lasts from ~5am to 1am daily with heavy email use and moderate voice use (and I'm still on the originally battery, of course I have profiles set and tweaked). Homescreen lag is on the boarder, it's a known issue with 2.2 ROMs and the stock/default home-screen is about the WORST out there. Combined with the battery drain issue it sounds like something in the background is wasting cycles when it shouldn't be. Again not really hardware issues. Be sure you're not using ANY task-killers and do a clean factory reset and w/o installing ANYTHING see what the battery life and overall performance is like for a day or two (of course that won't fix the jack issue).
Wifi is off and no apps are installed that arent on the phone from the factory. I thought it was possibly one of my apps but after the last 2 factory resets I did not install any apps. Ive got no task killers either. Phone has been completely stock for a month, problems still exist
Good luck with ADW. I can point you at the right setting if you don't want to dig (there's a lot you can do).

Are you running the latest baseband? Unfortunately you have to be rooted to update it if not. Actually, I think most FRG22D installs included the updated baseband, so that's kinda pointless of me to have asked -- but I want to be thorough.

Are you getting e-mail on the phone at all? If so that might be part of the problem. It sounds like one of your antennas is broadcasting -- which if you're in a bad signal area and trying to get e-mail or something like that will really kill you because of the number of times it syncs.
baseband C_01.43.01P. I only have gmail. Sometimes it receives the emails, sometimes I have to manually refresh/sync to get the emails.

I sent an email to my regional president. Maybe he will be able to help me out a bit. Im pretty tired of the droid. Since I havent had a rooted phone in 5 months, I dont think I will mind a blur skin phone. I actually wouldnt mind any phone that works as it should

edit: also this phone is has the 2.2.1 software and build is frg83d
For a While I was impressed

I am not impressed any more. The damn phone won't keep a charge for more than 12 hours with MINIMAL use.

I've had the Droid 1 since April. For a while everything was cool. Emails and contacts would sync. Gmail worked. Calendar sync worked. I could make calls, the sound was good quality. kept a charge for at least 24 hours, sometimes 48 hours consistently.

Two weeks ago that all changed. I have tried everything. App Killer. replacing the battery, managing which apps were running...last but not least, the phone was replaced on Saturday. New phone....same problem. New battery....same problem. At one point before I replaced the original phone, the battery drained from a complete full charge to completely out of juice and shut itself down in less than 5 hours with no use of the phone at all! I am exasperated! I am not a techie, don't want to be a techie, I just want the phone to work as advertised without having to be close to a charger all the time. For me, the constant worry about whether I will have enough juice to make a call is a deal killer. If it won't keep a charge for 24 hours....I am done with it.

If there is anyone out there with some ideas that don't involve "rooting" (whatever that is) I am all ears. And why are the Verizon Wireless people so clueless??? My next step is to go to Verizon and demand that they switch me out to a Blackberry.
I am inclined to Agree

I am inclined to agree with your comment, all except for the "steep learning curve" part. I have recently had significant problems with my Droid in regard to keeping it's charge for an acceptable amount of time. For seven months it kept a charge for well over a day. I charged it once each day. Suddenly, it is draining at erratic rates (in one instance less than 5 hours). I only run Bluetooth, sync, (with automatic push from a exchange server) gmail messenger and that is it. All I want to do is get my business emails, calendar appointments, use the bluetooth for hands free calls in the car, and make phone calls.

If this product is in it's infancy, but can't do those basic functions, it might not be for me. I have reached the point of exasperation. The battery has been replaced, and the phone has been replaced....still the same issue. I think that there is something going on in the software of the operating system that is not know to me. And if that is the case, it's unacceptable. I am not going to have a lot of patience for a "steep learning curve"...reason?...I have a business to run.

Nothing worse than people complaining about 'issues' and not giving examples... makes it sound more like user error than anything with the phone(s). Either be specific and give examples or don't waste the time postings and go back to your precise iPhone or whatever device you are obviously vying for.

There is a steep learning curve to Android that many don't seem able to cope with... for these people don't worry, iPhone will be coming to VZW soon enough... People need to also remember/consider Android is still in its 'infancy' compared to its competitors so it still has a ways to go so be patient... or you can opt for one of the new WinM phones or a 'tried and true' BB device.
My droid seems to be okay.
Then again i've only had it for about 2 months but its non-rooted atm.
When I had the the Droid 1 I also had to get replacements many times due to the headphone jack being loose. I also only used the phone while in the car and never plugged the headphones in while the Droid was in my pocket. This is the main reason I abandoned the Droid 1 and got the Droid X! Have not had the headphone problem since!
My Point is This...

When you buy a car, it has fuel injection, catalytic converters, transmission, engine, radio....none of which do I know how they work, and no one expects me to know how they work. For some reason people seem to think that Motorola and Verizon can market this phone, and when it performs poorly I am supposed to be able to diagnose the problem myself and have "patience" with it. The dealer (Verizon) is utterly clueless.

I don't get it. I read a good many of the posts here and there seems to be a lot of people who think it is acceptable to have issues with the phone and do things like turning it on and off, rooting it, resetting the CPU, etc. etc. all with the idea of trying to figure out how the stupid thing works.

I don't want to know how it works, I just want it to do what it is supposed to do.
That's classic, Well darn I got a specific issue.
Why is it that when people put thier hand out for help on here. They get ripped into or even better "Don't even post comments" like I said classic! You know? I can see that kind of comment on XDA considering it tainted more for developers.

Now for you,that are hung up, there is some really strong knowledge on this forum,you'll now by some of the post they do,PM them, thats what I have been doing, I have been given alot of help this way. "Regardless of how stupid I have asked, Which I have"

Then the next time you come across someone,who in thier profile that they're an instructor "Classic" then tells you not to post. I think you no where im going so all stop.
Sent from my Instructors wifes husbands laptop.
Wow... hostile crowd in here. I didn't post the issues I'm having because I type slow on my phone, and its difficult to describe but here goes...
The main issue with my first phone was on occasion it would wipe all my text messages out. After that, if "Tom" would send me a text it would show up as being from "Larry." When I would reply, both Tom and Larry would get the message. I called Verizon several times, did factory data resets, battery pulls, etc to attempt to solve the problem but nothing ever worked permanently. The phone would not boot in safe mode either.
Verizon sent me a refurbished phone last week and it arrived on Thursday. Right out of the box on the initial boot the market was crashing and so was the browser. Did a *228 and it temporarily solved the problem. Browser crashes constantly, several other apps have crashed, its completely locked up a few times and I harassment to pull the battery to get it to reboot, it will randomly reboot itself, phone works when it wants to, so on so forth. I called Verizon yesterday and they are overnighting me another refurbished phone. If the next one sucks as bad as this one has, I'm not going to do whatever it takes to get a new phone, not another refurbished one.
Yes. Get rid of any task killers that may be on the phone because they all drain battery. Turn off WiFi if you're not using it. Use WiFi whenever possible. Turn Sync and background data off. Kill any antivirus app you may have running. Turn GPS off.

And Verizon Wireless employees are almost all clueless. Comes from a lack of training. Take a deep breath and work with us and we may be able to keep your phone from becoming a Blackberry. :)
IMHO, you may have bad luck and possibly a couple Duds. I had the OG droid and never had an issue at all. I only exchanged one because My OCD issue. I had a hairline scratch on mine and couldn't deal w/it. $50 later, I got a brand new one from Asurion. I now have the DX which I got from Amazon and I've been very Content with it (Crossing fingas)..Good luck w/whatever you choose to do.
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For all of you with battery problems, i'm curious. What are your charging habits? How do you treat the battery? The reason I ask is that most people do not know how to properly care for a lithium ion battery. Alot of folks plug the device into a charger/USB port/etc. multiple times a day; this can kill the battery quickly (within a matter of months). A lithium ion battery is good for between 300-500 charge/discharge cycles (generally speaking) - it also prefers a partial discharge as opposed to a full discharge. So it is better to charge it more frequently, rather than let it run down. However, the problem there is that it eats into your 300-500 cycles. It's damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't type of situation.

You SHOULD, however, let the battery run completely down every 30 charge cycles or so; this recalibrates the battery. This occasional deep discharge will not harm the battery, and is in fact necessary to keep the "fuel gauge" accurate.


How to prolong lithium-based batteries