Downloading lolipop now

Lol yea the lollipop update was huge. 1.7 gigs on the note 4. I think you'll love it.

Sent from my Note 4
Just started reading some of the reivews and I sure hope what I'm getting is better. They're NOT very encouraging.
Wow. Not one good review. Everyone's saying the same thing - it's crap.

If true, I hope there's a way to return to kitkat because that DOES run just fine. Yikes. What have I gotten into.
You should be able to revert to kk if you want. We are able to.

Sent from my Note 4
My S4 seems to be fine with it but it sure is a big change. More like my sisters S5. The settings pages are a huge difference.
What a bummer. I get 3/4 of the way through, it reboots to my unlock screen and nothing happens so I assume it's done. I swipe to the main page and it's exactly the same. The download didn't take and it's apparently NOT resumable. So now I have to wait another 15 hours or so to check again for the upgrade I already had. Damn.
I had to keep an eye on mine to make certain my WiFi didn't turn off. I also did a cache clean and fresh restart before the download. I'm pretty certain it will work next time just fine.
Just started the download again...from the beginning..*sigh*.
Well, this sucks. I started the download again. It rebooted. I go downstairs to take out the trash and get back to a message "update could not be complete". End of story. No reason. No nothing. Now I have to wait another 22 hours to check for updates again. What a joke.
Sounds like something on your phone, maybe something you changed is affecting the download.

Sent from my Note 4
Sounds like a wake lock issue. Download GSam Battery to verify that. In the meantime, you could download & activate Wake Lock PowerManager and then reattempt your update, or simply turn off Wi-Fi and download it via your data.

S5 tap'n