ES File Explorer

Still can't get this to work. I'm trying to connect to my laptop, which is connected to a wireless network, but it just keeps giving me an error saying wrong username or password. I know both are right.
I find the FTP client built into ES Explorer to be crap. It rarely connects, and when it does, it times out showing me folder contents.

AndFTP works great, and has no such issues. Both are configured exactly the same way - same address, same port, same username/password, same connection type (passive/active).
I find the FTP client built into ES Explorer to be crap. It rarely connects, and when it does, it times out showing me folder contents.

AndFTP works great, and has no such issues. Both are configured exactly the same way - same address, same port, same username/password, same connection type (passive/active).

thank you for this post. since I've lost my xp disk I haven't been able to set up an ftp server on my pc. this has prevented me from actually testing estrongs ftp client.
Very Confused!

Hello All! I have an issue that is similar to some I have seen in this thread, with the following differences:
I can connect with NO PROBLEM to my Windows 7 box, but cannot for the life of me get it to connect to my XP machine that runs as my file server.
To me, this seems like the reverse of what I would expect to happen!
I get a username/pw error when trying to connect to the XP box. Any suggestions? I did restart!

Ok, so I enabled the Guest account, for kicks... and VOILA I can log in with that... no PW needed.

However, I do not want the guest account active on my server as it is a HUGE security problem. Any suggestions as to where the permission setting would be in the user profile to get this running?

AndFTP works great, and has no such issues. Both are configured exactly the same way - same address, same port, same username/password, same connection type (passive/active).

i got this app but it asks for "hostname" wut is that ? is it my iP? i added my ip to it and it still isn't showing any files
Ok, so I enabled the Guest account, for kicks... and VOILA I can log in with that... no PW needed.

I have been trying every combination that I can think of for 2 weeks to get in (probably spent at least 6 hours on this). Saw your post, turned on guest and tried that and voila x 2 - I am in also!!!! Did you have any success figuring out why guest works, but not your regular id?

Edit: While playing around I turned the guest acct off again on the PC and logged off ES File Explorer, but when I started ES FE again later, I was still able to log in successfully using guest!!! WTF!!! Well I am not going question miracles!!
Ok, so I enabled the Guest account, for kicks... and VOILA I can log in with that... no PW needed.

However, I do not want the guest account active on my server as it is a HUGE security problem. Any suggestions as to where the permission setting would be in the user profile to get this running?

The account (not guest) that you wish to log in as.... is it the administrator? Try using "user" as the username, regardless of what the username is....
Ok, so I enabled the Guest account, for kicks... and VOILA I can log in with that... no PW needed.

However, I do not want the guest account active on my server as it is a HUGE security problem. Any suggestions as to where the permission setting would be in the user profile to get this running?

The account (not guest) that you wish to log in as.... is it the administrator? Try using "user" as the username, regardless of what the username is....
I did try using "user" as the username, and the admin pw... but still throws the UN/PW error at me. All accounts on this box have admin privileges.
Ok, so I enabled the Guest account, for kicks... and VOILA I can log in with that... no PW needed.

However, I do not want the guest account active on my server as it is a HUGE security problem. Any suggestions as to where the permission setting would be in the user profile to get this running?

The account (not guest) that you wish to log in as.... is it the administrator? Try using "user" as the username, regardless of what the username is....
I did try using "user" as the username, and the admin pw... but still throws the UN/PW error at me. All accounts on this box have admin privileges.
What OS are you running? I'm on XP, so I can help with that :)
I'm also running XP on the machine I'm having issues with. Windows 7 works great (go figure).
Strange but True

I had the same problems as many on this thread, namely that I couldn't get Estrongs to connect to my shared folder on my server running XP SP3. I have numerous computers networked and sharing folders, and I know I entered the correct username and password (many times!) to no avail. And I could tell that ES could see the server, I just kept getting the "login failed - want to try a new username and password" message.

After reading some of the earlier posts, I decided to try the Guest account method, and even without enabling the Guest account, I am able to connect to my server! WTF?! It's nice that I can finally connect and get the files I want without using the USB cable, but how insecure is that? And again, the really strange thing is that the guest account is turned off. I never turned it on to try to connect and then turned it back off again, I just tried it anyway without ever turning it on.

Strange, but I thought I'd share my story in case anyone else wanted to take the easy road to connecting when experiencing the same troubles. Just put in your IP address, enter "Guest" as the user with no pass, uncheck anonymous, and wa-la, you should be in business.
I installed last night and worked through some issues. I was able to get it to connect to my static IP XP box by checking "Anonymous" after getting a bunch of login failures.

Now today, I go into ES File Explorer and it tells me it can't find the server. Any ideas why it would just stop working? I'm wondering if using ATK wasn't part of the problem (but not sure why). I toggled off Wi-Fi and reconnected to get a fresh IP in the event there was a conflict with one of my laptops. The router displays all three MAC addresses correctly for the wireless connections.

Anyone else have a similar problem?

**Update ** - I restarted the phone and it worked again. Strange....