ES File Explorer

As with so many of you, I just can't this app to work consistently. I set up shares on my W2k3 server and Vista Home workstation, and was able to connect to them just fine. However, I've spent the past 2 days trying to connect to shares on my XP SP3 computer. 90% of the time I get the "cannot find the server" error. A couple times I've managed to get it to connect to my computer, but not specifically to a share - but then when I try to browse that connection I get the incorrect username/password error. That's only happened a couple times, though - mostly it can't find the server, even though I can ping the IP address from the phone, and I can connect to the share from other PCs.

Does anybody have any idea how to get the product to work? Alternately, is there another app out there that actually does work? I would really love to be able to access network shares via the phone - not just on my network but potentially client networks as well.

UPDATE: Well, you're not gonna believe this. I went into the share on my XP box and gave full permissions to the Domain Admins group. Went back into my ES connection for that share and changed the username and password to my Domain Admin account - touchdown. Is it possible that trying to access the share using the name and password of the user currently logged onto that computer could somehow make the process fail? That doesn't really make sense, and it doesn't seem to work that way on my server - I accessed another share using the domain admin username and password (how I'm currently logged in to the server) and didn't have any problems. Again, this doesn't really make sense, but I'll keep testing and see if anything changes.

In the meantime, my questions above still stand - particularly about another app that might be more stable.
That's too bad. I connect to a 2k3 server, a vista machine, and an XP machine with estrongs on my lan and never have a problem. Any chance your Droid is going out and back between wifi and 3G interrupting connectivity with the lan? I noticed there were a couple of posts about that yesterday from a couple of people.

Before estrongs, I used FTPserver on the Droid and Netdrive on the PC so that your Droid's sdcard is mapped to a drive letter on the pc. Of course this only allows for browsing from the PC side.
Yeah, not sure something like that would work, since I have multiple computers I'd like to be able to browse.

I do have another question now that I can at least access a couple shares - how the heck do you open a document? Do you have to copy the doc locally and then open it? Because when I try to open a Word doc off the share I just get an error that says "no application available".
Do you have to copy the doc locally and then open it? Because when I try to open a Word doc off the share I just get an error that says "no application available".

I guess so. I just tried to run it from the server and got the same message "no application available". Copied and pasted it to the sdcard then was able to open with no problem. Not sure why Estrongs doesn't allow that.
Can anyone help me setup ES LAN to my MAC

Can anyone walk me through the process for setting this up? I want to access the folders on my MACPRO using Estrongs FE. I am so frustrated with it I am experiencing brain lock.:blink:
after reading through this, i can't believe it is this tough to setup the stupid app.

for ****s sake, does anyone have any other recommendations on different apps to use for accessing shares drives over a LAN?


after reading through this, i can't believe it is this tough to setup the stupid app.

for ****s sake, does anyone have any other recommendations on different apps to use for accessing shares drives over a LAN?


This is what I use. Works great:

on the computer side I use FileZilla and I use the recommended ftp server on the phone. Works great. Not to mention it means I can always access/mount the phone on any Wi-Fi or any computer (via 3G).
after reading through this, i can't believe it is this tough to setup the stupid app.

for ****s sake, does anyone have any other recommendations on different apps to use for accessing shares drives over a LAN?



I have reset my phone several times and never have any trouble setting this back up again on every machine on my network. I love ES file explorer.
Won't work for me...................

I'm using XP so I don't know about Windows 7 but I would assume it would be the same or similar.

1. First get your computer's IP address...

Windows XP, without using the command prompt

  1. From the Start menu, right-click My Network Places, and then click Properties.
  2. To view the IP address of a wired connection, double-click Local Area Connection. To view the IP address of a wireless adapter, double-click Wireless Network Connection.
  3. Click the Support tab, and then click Details... . The window that appears will display the IP address.
Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000, using the command prompt

  1. Click Start, and then select All Programs (Windows 7, Vista, and XP) or Programs (2000). Note: If this doesn't match what you see, refer to About navigation settings in Windows.
  2. Click Accessories, and then Command Prompt.
  3. At the command prompt, enter: ipconfig The IP address (or IPv4 address, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista) will be a series of numbers following the pattern (i.e.,
2. Open EStrongs on your Droid > click on Remote > press Menu button > New > Server > add you IP address....

You must have a username and password login for you PC set. (when you load windows it asks you to enter password.... you have to have a password set in order for this to work.)

3. Enter you username and password in the provided fields. This will give you complete access to your PC.
**If you don't wish to be able to view all folders on your PC, and you only want to be able to view certain 'shared' folders... when you add the IP address, at the end, add "/My Documents" (My Documents is an example... add what ever folder name you wish to have access to.)

4. Select to remember your username and password. Now you should be all set!

I have done everything the way it has been layed out and it just will not connect. I know I am using the correct username/pw but it just gives me C$, D$, etc. folders but it won't let me in most of them and if it does the desktop.ini file is the only one there.

I give up. I'll go with WebSharing. At least I know it works.
I'll give the LAN procedures posted above another shot tonight. I was able to successfully ftp to both my NAS and primary PC (WinXP) and honestly (even though I had a bit of a **** fit above) figure that it's likely something I am doing (or not doing).

Thanks for responding. I love ES File Explorer given the layout and using it via ftp was as easy as I was hoping LAN access was...
More info

OK got it to work with windows 7

Go to Control Panel and select user accounts on your Win 7 PC.
I only have 1 account on there and its mine and is set as Administrator.
The account is called Home
I set a password for this account. (so now when you turn on your PC you will have to enter that password everytime) (I know a PITA)

Open EStrongs on your Droid > click on Remote > press Menu button > New > Server > add you IP address....

Mine was

I entered my user name Home
I entered my Password xxxx

Click OK and it connected!

Of course for all this to work you MUST be connected to your WIFI connection not 3G

Just an fyi this works with connecting to my WDLive so I can access 2tb of data right from my Droid X.
If you can access your Win 7 pc via estrongs, but can not get beyond the public folders, or can not anything inside files you have shared outside the public folders, then the instructions at this link will solve that situation. I finally have access to all my win 7 directories via estrongs.

Solved Homegroup file sharing problem. - Windows 7 Forums

(If you have reconfigured your ip previously trying the other persons solution you can reset to default by using the command ipconfig/renew )

I just followed these instructions and it solved my problem - i was getting tired of constantly moving things to the public folders.

If anyone out there it using vista or xp - there should be a similar method. If anyone can follow up and provide those same instructions for xp and vista users, i am sure they would appreciate it.

Now - can anyone tell me how to locate my phone in the other direction??? if I am connected to the pc via estrongs, can I then access my phones files from the pc? I can't figure out how to do that.

1 out of 2 aint bad though.
.....dont forget ..the instructions at that link are only going to help once you have set up the user account password in user accounts. Also, in win 7, in advanced sharing settings (in the network and sharing center) make sure that you have turned off 'password protected sharing. Dont confuse this with the need to set up a user account password in the user accounts. If you turn this on, you will be locked out of server via estrongs.
I fixed this on Windows XP by going to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Local Security Policy and changing the Network Access: Sharing and local security model for local accounts to "Classic".

This fixed it instantly for me.

Hope this helps someone out
ES file explorer network security risk?

Hi guys...

I set up ES file explorer on my android 2.2 phone to connect via the LAN tab to my home network (desktop). I wasn't able to connect using the IP address, username and password from my desktop...but after much trial and error, I was able to connect using the IP address and "Guest" as the username with no passord (anonymous unchecked). I thought I had my wireless secured with WEP so you'd have to give the password to connect (as I have with my laptop).

Any ideas?