Extended Battery Dies Fast


New Member
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know why, but I have 2 extended batteries. They both die as fast as the stock battery and they did work in the beginning when I first got them. My charge doesn't even go up anymore when charging. It will get stuck on a percent for example 23% and it will stay there and not go up to 100%. I haven't seen my phone up to 100% in months. It will stay on that certain number for a long time until after then it will just simply die fast. I want my phone to last me as long as everyone else says they have their phones last. Heck even 15 hours would be okay. Anything but just a mere 3 hours with extended battery, because that is unacceptable especially for extended. What can I do to get my phone to last as long as it should and is there anything I can do to stop the percentage from getting stuck so it can finally go back to 100% after charging? Thank you.
I'm having the exact problem. I just received my battery yesterday and it says its only charged up to about 50%!!!
Verizon told me it probably was an app. I said Hell no. It still should charge up completely, especially after turning off my phone and charging it over night.
Yeah it can't be an app. It's the phone and I'm not understanding why. I just think I might have to take it in and swap it.