Facebook refresh when exiting issue


Active Member
Apr 3, 2010
Reaction score
Kansas City MO
I seem to have run into an issue that I'm not sure how to fix.

A few updates ago to facebook, the back button on my phone started to refresh my facebook feed rather than exiting the application. This happens if I scroll down a few stories, then press the back button I'm put back to the top and it auto refreshes.

This issue is really annoying. Has anyone getting this same issue or have they figured out how to stop it?

Yes, I have the same thing and it's annoying. It's a feature of their recent update. The easiest way to deal with it is to double tap the back button.

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Tried the double tap on the back button and it just took me to the top and refreshed. Now if I'm at the top it will take me out of the app.
At first I thought maybe I was triple tapping but double tapping works for me, also. I do double tap pretty fast, though.

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Yup. One tap of the back button takes you to the top and refreshes and another after that exits the app. Just one more annoying thing about Facebook and their app...