Fascinate owners- any idea what your next phone will be?

Does anyone know the resale value?

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I upgraded to the Rezound. So much better, I love it.

Sent from my HTC REZOUND using Droid Forums
I HATED THE FASCINATE!!! it was a crap phone I had nothing but problems with that phone. Verizon had to replace it at least four different times. It would constantly would freeze and turn off randomly. I just recently upgraded to the razr Max and I love it!!!
Had my Fascinate since launch and love it! Still takes the best pictures of any phone I've had or seen. My upgrade wasn't until Sept but Verizon gave me an early upgrade last month for being a loyal customer. 9 more days until my Galaxy S3 arrives! Can't wait!

I've had my Fascinate since September '10. It was my first non-blackberry smartphone and has served me well. Yes, it can be quirky, but it was definitely a great first foray into the touchscreen smartphone market.

Became eligible for an upgrade in late May and was torn between sticking with Samsung (purchasing the SG3) or waiting on the new iphone. While a 4.8 screen is exciting for most, I was worried it would be too big for my pocket or to take jogging. And as an ipad owner, I thought it would be good to have synching devices.

But in the end, Samsung and Droid have done right by me so I am going with the SG3 and crossing my fingers it isn't too big. Waiting with excitement for the email from VZW to come in saying the device has shipped.
My SGS3 arrived on 7/11. I really liked my Fascinate but the S3 is truly a step (or two) above!