[THEME] Guiding Light (Blue)

That's a easy fix then

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
That's great to hear lol I know she's a soft brick right now, but every bootloop I've been in a wipe cleared it

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Do you have RSD? You will need it to unless you want to run a .bat

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
And we have all bootlooped "it is actually very hard to brick"

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
Dang this things gonna as take a while to download over 3g lmao ,and yes I got rsd

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I would recommend using Safestrap instead of bootstrap for this very reason.

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
Once you restore you can use my script and goto v2.1 RC 1 5.9.901 :)

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
Never used safestrap, guess it's the same as cwm?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Only you can recover from most bootloops

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
Thx for the one on one help man, that fxz file worked like a champ, still a lil new to the bionic, but im settling in. I kinda miss flashing without any disregard on my ole DROID X. Anyhow im back on eclipse getting ready to check this theme out.

Sent from "MY" DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
This theme isn't supported on v2.1 yet sorry

Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic v2.1 RC 1

Help free our Motorola devices! #OPMOSH #BOOTLOADERS
darn i was about to flash then saw the op says for eclipse 1.0-2.0
r you going to have it compatible w 2.1 rc?