Handy New Moto X Comparison Chart (vs. Galaxy S5, HTC One M8, & LG G3)


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

The folks at Phandroid have this handy comparison chart for the new Moto X compared to the Galaxy S5, HTC One M8, & LG G3. It seems to stack up pretty well!
I really thought they would have put a bit bigger battery in it - although I know Moto devices seem to do pretty good with battery usage.
But with Android L being so battery friendly.. Perhaps it won't be needed??(when it updates to L) Idk.. I'm still one that wants a big battery..
I'm surprised they went with such a small battery as well. L should help but it isn't being released with L is it? I think it'll do pretty well regardless but I'll be looking forward to the checking out real world reviews.

tap'n on my S5
It will need a bigger battery ...way too small ...I agree it will probably be good but order that $35 rapid charger y'all

M8 tap'd
Bat ray stats? Can overlook this one.

sent from my XT1080 using tapatrash