HELP Droid 2 Stuck at bootloader d2.37


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Please help! Today after going swimming, i had to put my droid 2 into my pocket which was completely wet. when i got home, the phone appeared to have been unaffected, i could use the touchscreen, but when i tried to use the keyboard, it was partially unresponsive. so, i shut it off, and removed the battery. after attempting to boot it back up, it came to a screen saying:


Battery OK
OK to Program
Connect USB
Data Cable

After seeing this, i decided that leaving it to sit in some rice to attempt to draw moisture out couldn't hurt. After a few hours, still the same result.

This is a stock droid 2, no mods or anything, i have been searching the internet for a solution, which is how i found this forum. It has been much wetter, which is why i do not understand how being in a damp pocket could have caused this. Please help! I really cannot afford to buy a new phone at this time.
Have the moisture indicators on your battery/phone changed colors?

Edit: Mine is white with x's on it.
The longer that phone was in your pocket the more time it had to draw moisture in. I was washing my motorcycle and my case and phone jumped off of my belt and into the soap bucket. I IMMEDIATELY removed battery, opened keyboard, wiped phone off with my shirt, tipped it every which way to make sure no water was inside. Then I laid it in the grass covered by my shirt for a couple hours. I could see condensation form under the screen after about 15 minutes. It eventually dried out. I then took it to my 50% humidity basement and put it on a stand near my dehumidifier exhaust with phone open and battery out for 48 hours. This was three weeks ago. My phone functions flawlessly, as far as my use of it allows me to ascertain. However you dry it out, dry it out good!
Lizard, the Moisture indicator is white with red x's so im assuming that that is tripped? Well when i got home, in a panic i tried to boot it up, which may have damaged it. i have let it dry overnight and i am attempting to boot it up now. But why is it showing the bootloader screen? is it not connecting to the flash chips for some reason?

Edit: Still stuck on bootloader. Sigh... I'mk guessing that this is a hardware problem.
That same bootloader message happened to me when I screwed up sbf'ing flashing a rom. Verizon happily replaced it though! (Long story why I didn't sbf)

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Droidfreak28, Did you have the extended warranty? And were your water indicators tripped? Because i do not believe that Verizon will replace my chip set without the warranty and with the water indicators. Damn.... I really hope that this isn't bricked...
Your moisture indicators appear to be right. If you havnt rooted or modded your phone, I would take it in to store. Power phone off and power on while holding the x key down on slide out keyboard. When you see little android with triangle symbol, press search key (the magnifying glass) on slide out keyboard. This will take you to stock recovery and you should see option to reboot phone from there. If you are stuck in bootloader still, i would go ahead and try to sbf if you know how to do that. Hope this helps.
Your moisture indicators appear to be right. If you haven't rooted or modded your phone, I would take it in to store. Power phone off and power on while holding the x key down on slide out keyboard. When you see little android with triangle symbol, press search key (the magnifying glass) on slide out keyboard. This will take you to stock recovery and you should see option to reboot phone from there. If you are stuck in bootloader still, i would go ahead and try to sbf if you know how to do that. Hope this helps.

Yeah i haven't modded or rooted my phone. Should i take it to the store first, or attempt to learn how to sbf. No idea how to, but i usually can figure these things out.

Edit: Lizard, just tried the power on while holding x, held the two buttons for about 15 seconds, still came to bootloader.

Edit#2: I just had an idea, moisture indicator is not tripped, ill go to the Verizon store and not mention that it got wet. It was in my dry pocket :p. ill let you guys know how it goes.
They should replace it. Good luck. And yea, I wouldn't mention that it got wet either.
Just got back from verizon store. "Its just something that happens with this phone and the manufactures are looking for a fix." They are sending a "new" one. Most likely refurbished but hey, cant complain, better than a useless brick!:icon_ banana: Thanks for the help everyone :p
Wellpt I don't get this anymore. Just for the hell of it I tried to turn this damn thing on. Here it is. But 3/4 of the physical keyboard does not work. Meh whatever im gettin a replacement on wensday.

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I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but if VZW is anything like the company I was a technician for, they'll take the phone apart and notice liquid damage. I wouldn't be surprised if you got stuck with a retail phone fee in the near future.

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