How are you liking it so far?

I've used this at the verizon store a few times, I'm pretty disappointed. It's always laggy and when it's not, it's just not fast enough. I'd overlook all of that if it had a 2 day battery. I was also gonna get a Turbo but I was just as disappointed, although it was definitely faster.
I'm stuck on my S4 for now and prob gonna wait out the M9. Those HTC phones hold their value.

Wow, really?? That's surprising. Smoothest phone I've ever owned. Read and watch some reviews, because they pretty much all rave about it's speed and performance.
I will def watch a few more vids, now that it's been out a while.
It was just shocking me at how slow Chrome was and the delay opening apps. It's prob that stupid verizon display software those demo phones run.
How's your battery life with heavy use?
I will def watch a few more vids, now that it's been out a while.
It was just shocking me at how slow Chrome was and the delay opening apps. It's prob that stupid verizon display software those demo phones run.
How's your battery life with heavy use?

With "heavy" use, at least for me (multiple calls, texts, emails, surfing, games, music, maybe video), I get about 3.5 hours of screen-on-time (SOT) during a 14-16 hour day with 10%–15% left. My "average" day is about 4.5 to 5 hours of SOT, with 15%–20% left. I have "Location" on High Accuracy and haven't had to plug in during the day as yet. I love this phone, but I don't think it was built for power-users, people who are constantly on their phone for business, for instance. Of course, the Turbo Charger may solve this for them. It has a couple of flaws, but the average user will be more than satisfied with this phone.
ETA for mine is this Friday (I got on the Monday sale with a 32gb version for $0.01 + $50 for the extra memory). Coming from a max, I'm concerned about the battery time, but now I have a backup battery booster in my work bag so it should be ok.
ETA for mine is this Friday (I got on the Monday sale with a 32gb version for $0.01 + $50 for the extra memory). Coming from a max, I'm concerned about the battery time, but now I have a backup battery booster in my work bag so it should be ok.
You're going to love the phone, the battery backup that you're carrying around may go unused for all but the very extreme situations. The Moto X 2nd generation for Moto X 2014 is quite a beast in its own right and I think the only difference between that and the turbo for me and the reason I bought the turbo is because of the higher and processor and larger RAM, and of course the turbo charging and battery. Otherwise I would have been quite happy with the 2014 moto x. The screen resolution on this turbo is beyond necessary and even beyond what anyone could really want, because with 556 pixels per inch you can't even see the pixels even if you want to. On the Moto X the resolution is significantly lower, but again still small enough that you can't really see the pixels unless you try extremely hard. So for me this screen on the turbo is really overkill, and the Moto X screen would have been quite acceptable on this phone. Anyway, enjoy your new x and let's hear your opinion once you get a chance to play with it.
I just got my 2nd gen Moto X two weeks ago after owning a 1st gen for a year. So far I go from liking the phone to hating the phone at times but it seems to be that there are just enough differences between 1st gen and 2nd gen that I'm having to figure out features that I'm used to. Add to that the the lollipop upgrade means that Android itself has changed and I'm just frustrated at the moment. Speed and battery life are great but Moto Voice is so hit or miss that it's driving me nuts. Also having some odd sound issues where apps are working perfectly but not giving audio notifications properly, still haven't figured that one out. Screen is great looking, didn't realize how "bad" the 1st gen screen was until I got the 2nd gen!
Hey Joe, try deactivating Moto Voice and stick with Google Voice. Like Samsung's S-Voice it's hit and miss, but Google Voice does a fantastic job. And the longer you use it, the better it gets.
Good luck!

S5 tap'n
That's the opposite of the advice I got on a different board when asking if I should be using Google Voice and/or Moto Voice. Moto Voice supposedly adds the ability to wake the phone up in all cases (or something like that). I was used to just Google Voice on my 1st gen but others recommended leaving both on.